Wednesday, May 31, 2017

UPSC Civil Services Examination 2016 Final Result out

The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has announced the results for the Civil Service exams that were conducted in 2016. Students who have appeared for the exam can check their results from the official website.

Nandini K R topped the UPSC Civil Services examination this time. She belongs to the OBC category and has qualified the examination with Kannada Literature as her optional subject. Nandini is a graduate of BE (Civil Engg) degree from MS Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bangalore.
She is closely followed by Anmol Sher Singh Bedi and G Ronanki gets at the second and third positions, respectively. Bedi has a BE Computer Science Degree from BITS Pilani. There are 7 women and 18 men who have bagged the top 25 positions in the exam.

The civil service exams were conducted in August 2016 for which 11,35,943 candidates applied and over 4 lakh candidates appeared for the exams. About 15,452 candidates qualified for the main written exam that was conducted in December 2016 of whom 2,961 qualified for the Personality Test.
A total number of 1099 candidates have been recommended for appointment among whom are 500 candidates from the general category and 347, 163 and 89 candidates from the OBC, SC and ST categories respectively.

For any clarification regarding the results, candidates can call on the numbers 23385271 / 23381125 / 23098543 on wonking days between 10 am and 5 pm. The marks will be made available in 15 days.

Final Result: Click Here


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