CSIR - CSMCRI Recruitment for Project Junior Research Fellow Post 2017
CSIR - CSMCRI Recruitment for Project Junior Research Fellow Post 2017

CSIR - CSMCRI has published Advertisement for below mentioned Posts 2017. Other details like age limit, educational qualification, selection process, application fee and how to apply are given below.
Posts: Project Junior Research Fellow
Total No. of Posts: 01
Educational Qualification: M. Sc. in Chemistry/Bioinformatics/Biochemistry and NET/NET-LS/DBT-BET is required.
Fellowship: Rs 25000 + HRA as per DBT/ SERB / CSIR guidelines.
Age: As on date of interview The upper age limit for Project JRF is 28 years, Age relaxation is applicable as per DBT/CSIR rules.
Job requirements:
The selected candidate will work on the project entitled “In Silico studies on Peptide Nucleic acids toward their stabilities with metal ions, nano-clusters/modified backbones and exploiting the PNA for biosensing of DNA, RNA with metals/Hydrocarbon surfaces” and has an opportunity to be registered for Ph. D. program upon fulfiling required criterion.
Application procedure: Application form can be downloaded from www.csmcri.res.in. Interested candidates may submit their applications through email to ganguly@csmcri.res.in. Application package should be a single PDF file consisting application form, recent CV, certificates supporting educational qualifications and experience, and publications if any. Interested candidates are requested to appear before the Selection Committee for an interview at CSIR-Central Salt and Marine Chemicals Research Institute, G. B. Marg, Bhavnagar-364002 (Gujarat) on 16-08-2017 (Wednesday) at 9.30 AM. You are also requested to bring with you the following documents:
1. Original Certificates(s), Mark sheet(s) (Degree.) of the educational qualifications, certificate in support of the date of birth etc. mentioned by you in your application.
2. Original Experience Certificates, Testimonials, Papers, etc.
3. In case you are employed in a Government/Semi-Government or Autonomous Organization, you should bring with you a No Objection Certificate from your present employer otherwise you will not be allowed to appear for the interview.
Any further information may be requested from Dr. Bishwajit Ganguly at above E-mail ID ganguly@csmcri.res.in.
The position is purely temporary; initially the selection will be made for one year and will be extendable based on performance of the candidate to the maximum duration of 3 years. It would, therefore, not confer any right/claim implicit or explicit for any candidate for claiming extension or absorption in CSMCRI/CSIR. No TA/DA will be given to attend the interview. Written test will be conducted, if necessary.

CSIR - CSMCRI has published Advertisement for below mentioned Posts 2017. Other details like age limit, educational qualification, selection process, application fee and how to apply are given below.
Posts: Project Junior Research Fellow
Total No. of Posts: 01
Educational Qualification: M. Sc. in Chemistry/Bioinformatics/Biochemistry and NET/NET-LS/DBT-BET is required.
Fellowship: Rs 25000 + HRA as per DBT/ SERB / CSIR guidelines.
Age: As on date of interview The upper age limit for Project JRF is 28 years, Age relaxation is applicable as per DBT/CSIR rules.
Job requirements:
The selected candidate will work on the project entitled “In Silico studies on Peptide Nucleic acids toward their stabilities with metal ions, nano-clusters/modified backbones and exploiting the PNA for biosensing of DNA, RNA with metals/Hydrocarbon surfaces” and has an opportunity to be registered for Ph. D. program upon fulfiling required criterion.
Application procedure: Application form can be downloaded from www.csmcri.res.in. Interested candidates may submit their applications through email to ganguly@csmcri.res.in. Application package should be a single PDF file consisting application form, recent CV, certificates supporting educational qualifications and experience, and publications if any. Interested candidates are requested to appear before the Selection Committee for an interview at CSIR-Central Salt and Marine Chemicals Research Institute, G. B. Marg, Bhavnagar-364002 (Gujarat) on 16-08-2017 (Wednesday) at 9.30 AM. You are also requested to bring with you the following documents:
1. Original Certificates(s), Mark sheet(s) (Degree.) of the educational qualifications, certificate in support of the date of birth etc. mentioned by you in your application.
2. Original Experience Certificates, Testimonials, Papers, etc.
3. In case you are employed in a Government/Semi-Government or Autonomous Organization, you should bring with you a No Objection Certificate from your present employer otherwise you will not be allowed to appear for the interview.
Any further information may be requested from Dr. Bishwajit Ganguly at above E-mail ID ganguly@csmcri.res.in.
The position is purely temporary; initially the selection will be made for one year and will be extendable based on performance of the candidate to the maximum duration of 3 years. It would, therefore, not confer any right/claim implicit or explicit for any candidate for claiming extension or absorption in CSMCRI/CSIR. No TA/DA will be given to attend the interview. Written test will be conducted, if necessary.
Advertisement: Click HereWalk-in-Interview: 16-08-2017
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