Thursday, August 24, 2017

Indian Coast Guard Recruitment of Navik (General Branch) 01/2018 Batch

Indian Coast Guard Recruitment of Navik (General Branch) 01/2018 Batch


Indian Coast Guard has published Advertisement for below mentioned Posts 2017. Other details like age limit, educational qualification, selection process, application fee and how to apply are given below.

Advertisement No: 01/2018 Batch

Posts: Navik (General Duty)

Educational Qualification: 10+2 passed with 50% marks aggregate in total and minimum 50% aggregate in Maths and Physics from an education board recognized by Central/State Government. (5 % relaxation in above minimum cut off will be given for SC/ST candidates and outstanding sports person of National level who have obtained 1st, 2nd or 3rd position in any field sports events at the Open National Championship/ Interstate National Championship. This relaxation will also be applicable to the wards of Coast Guard uniform personnel deceased while in service).

Age Limit: Minimum 18 Years and maximum 22 years i.e. between 01 Feb 1996 to
31 Jan 2000 (both dates inclusive). Upper age relaxation of 5 years for SC/ST and 3 years
for OBC candidates.

Pay and Allowances: On joining Indian Coast Guard, you will be placed in Basic pay
Rs. 21700/- (Pay Level-3 post 7th pay commission implementation) plus Dearness
Allowance and other allowances based on nature of duty/place of posting as per the
regulation enforced time to time.

Selection Process: The 'Online' Applications will be sorted out Centre wise.
The conduct of test is planned during the month of Oct/Nov 2017. The Selection procedure
is as follows:-
(a) Short-listing criteria will be based on higher percentage of marks for a particular
examination Centre.
(b) The qualifying cut off percentage (%) of a particular Centre may be increased if
The high number of applications with a higher percentage is received.
(c) The written examination will be of objective type, which will generally cover
subjects such as Maths, Physics, basic Chemistry, knowledge of English up to 12th
standard, general knowledge, current affairs, quantitative aptitude and reasoning etc.
(d) Those who qualify written examination will undergo Physical Fitness Test (PFT) and
Initial Medical Examination (Preliminary). The testing procedure will take 2-3 days.
Physically Challenged candidates are not eligible to apply for this examination.

Physical Fitness Test (PFT): PFT will be conducted for all those who qualify the
written tests. All candidates are advised to be in possession of sport rig (Shoe, T-shirt,
Trouser etc). The PFT will consists of,
(i) 1.6 Km run to be completed in 7 minutes.
(ii) 20 Squat ups (Uthak Baithak)
(iii) 10 Push up. Candidates undergoing PFT will do so at their own risk.

Medical Standards:-
(a) Medical examination will be conducted by authorized Military Doctors as
per medical standard prescribed in current regulations applicable to Enrolled
Personnel on entry.
(b) Height. Minimum height 157 cms. Reduction in height for candidates
from hilly areas and tribal areas will be in accordance with the Central Govt. orders.
(c) Chest. Should be well proportioned. Minimum expansion 5 cms.
(d) Weight. Proportionate to height and age +-10 percentage acceptable.
(e) Hearing. Normal.
* Candidates are advised to get their ears cleaned for wax and tartar
removed from teeth prior to the examination.
(f) Visual Standard. 6/6 (Better Eye) and 6/9 (Worse Eye). (Candidates
using glasses are not eligible)
(g) Tattoo. Permanent body tattoos are not permitted on any part of the

How to Apply: Interested Candidates may Apply Online Through official Website.

AdvertisementClick Here

Apply Online: Click Here

Important Dates:
Starting Date of Online Application: 26-08-2017
Last Date to Apply Online: 04-09-2017
Applicants to take print out of the e-admit card:13-09-2017 to 22-09-2017

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