Wednesday, September 27, 2017

UPSC Engineering Services Examination, 2018 Notification Out

UPSC Engineering Services Examination, 

2018 Notification Out


Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has published Advertisement for Engineering Services Examination, 2018. Other details like age limit, educational qualification, selection process, application fee and how to apply are given below.

Exam Name: Engineering Services Examination, 2018

Educational Qualification:

  • obtained a degree in Engineering from a University incorporated by an Act of the Central or State Legislature in India or other Educational Institutions established by an Act of Parliament or declared to be deemed as Universities under Section 3 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956; or
  • passed Sections A and B of the Institution Examinations of the Institution of Engineers (India); or
  • obtained a degree/diploma in Engineering from such foreign University/College/Institution and under such conditions as may be recognised by the Government for the purpose from time to time, or
  • passed Graduate Membership Examination of the Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (India); or
  • passed Associate Membership Examination Parts II and III/Sections A and B of the Aeronautical Society of India; or
  • passed Graduate Membership Examination of the Institution of Electronics and Radio Engineers, London held after November, 1959

Age Limit: A candidate for this examination must have attained the age of 21 years and must not have attained the age of 30 years on the 1st August, 2018 i.e., he/she must have been born not earlier than 2nd August, 1988 and not later than 1st August, 1997. relaxation as per rules.

Fees: Candidates (excepting Female/SC/ST/ PH who are exempted from payment of fee) are required to pay a fee of Rs. 200/‐ (Rupees Two hundred only) either by depositing the money in any Branch of SBI by cash or by using net banking facility of State Bank of India.

Note : 1 Applicants who opt for "Pay by cash" mode should print the system generated Pay‐in slip during Part‐II registration and deposit the fee at the counter of SBI Branch on the next working day only. "Pay by cash" mode option will be deactivated at 23.59 hours of 22.10.2017 i.e. one day before the closing date ; however, applicants who have generated their Pay‐in‐slip before it is de‐activated may pay at the counter of SBI Branch during banking hours on the closing date. Such applicants who are unable to pay by cash on the closing date i.e. during banking hours to SBI Branch, for reason
whatsoever, even if holding a valid Pay‐in‐slip, will have no other offline option but to opt for online Debit/Credit Card or Internet Banking Payment mode on the closing date i.e. till 18.00 hours of 23.10.2017.

How to Apply: Interested Candidates may Apply Online Through official Website.

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Apply Online: Click Here

Important Dates:
Starting Date of Online Application: 27-09-2017
Last Date to Apply Online: 23-10-2017


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