Sardar Patel Renewable Energy Research Institute (SPRERI) Recruitment for Various Posts 2017
Sardar Patel Renewable Energy Research
Institute (SPRERI) Recruitment for Various
Posts 2017
Sardar Patel Renewable Energy Research Institute (SPRERI) has published Advertisement for below mentioned Posts 2017. Other details like age limit, educational qualification, selection process, application fee and how to apply are given below.
Post: Senior Research Fellow (Bio-conversion Technology Division)
Essential qualifications:
Desirable experience:
Requirements :
Salary: as per DBT, Govt. of India
Application deadline: 15th December, 2017
An interested candidate should send his/her curriculum vital including contact information of two references and application form (download from website to SPRERI. Soft-copy need to be sent to, with subject line as "Application for Senior Research Fellow" or a hard-copy to the SPRERI postal address.

Application Form
Post: Project Assistant (Bio-conversion Technology Division)
Minimum qualifications and experience:
Requirements :
Salary: as per DBT, Govt. of India
Application deadline: 15th December, 2017
An interested candidate should send his/her curriculum vitae including contact information of two references and application form (download from website to SPRERI. Soft-copy need to be sent to, with subject line as "Application for Project Assistant" or a hard-copy to the SPRERI postal address.

Application Form
Post: Senior Scientist / Engineer (Extension Division)
Job Description:
Essential Qualifications:
Remuneration: Negotiable based on expertise and experience (4.5 to 5.0 lakhs p.a.)
Last date of application: 15th December 2017.
An interested candidate should send his/her curriculam vital including contact information of two references and application form (download from website at, with subject line as "Application for Post Senior Scientist/Engineer".

Application Form
Post : Name of the post: Junior Research Fellow (Bio-conversion Technology Division)
Minimum qualifications and experience: :
Requirements :
Salary: Commensurate to merit and experience
Application deadline: 15th December, 2017
An interested candidate should send his/her curriculam vital including contact information of two references and application form (download from website at, with subject line as "Application for Junior Research Fellow".

Application Form
Educational Qualification: Please read Official Notification for Educational Qualification details.
Selection Process: Candidates will be selected based on an interview.
How to Apply: Eligible candidates may send their application & necessary documents to given address in the advertisement.
Post: Senior Research Fellow (Bio-conversion Technology Division)
Essential qualifications:
M.Tech in Biotechnology/Chemical Engineering/Biochemical Engineering/Bioenergy with 1-2 years R&D experience or M.Sc in Biochemistry/Biotechnology/Microbiology with 2-3 years R&D experience after Master degree with qualified NET/GATE/other National Level Examinations conducted by ICAR, ICMR, DAE,DST,DBT etc or recent PhD in Energy/Microbiology/Biotechnology.
Experience is microalgae cultivation and harvesting systems, scale-up bioreactors, bioanalytical and chemical research, simulation studies using Aspen plus/Superpro Designer is preferred.
We seek a young researcher with a strong knowledge in bioanalytical techniques, ability to manage research activities of industrial effluent treatment projects, excellent team work capacity, communication skills and flexible with personal initiative. Proficiency in English writing skills, hands on experience with Microsoft tools and statistical analysis.
Application deadline: 15th December, 2017
An interested candidate should send his/her curriculum vital including contact information of two references and application form (download from website to SPRERI. Soft-copy need to be sent to, with subject line as "Application for Senior Research Fellow" or a hard-copy to the SPRERI postal address.
Application Form
Post: Project Assistant (Bio-conversion Technology Division)
Minimum qualifications and experience:
M.Sc in Biochemistry/Biotechnology/Microbiology with 1-2 years R&D experience after Masters degree in reputed Industries/R&D institutes
We seek a young researcher with a basic knowledge in analytical techniques, ability to work all the assigned research activities, excellent team work capacity, communication skills and flexible with personal initiative. Proficiency in Microsoft Excel, Word and Power Point.
Application deadline: 15th December, 2017
An interested candidate should send his/her curriculum vitae including contact information of two references and application form (download from website to SPRERI. Soft-copy need to be sent to, with subject line as "Application for Project Assistant" or a hard-copy to the SPRERI postal address.
Application Form
Post: Senior Scientist / Engineer (Extension Division)
Job Description:
The selected candidate is expected to develop and contribute to research activities related to renewable energy and energy management in the village/agriculture, such as innovation, scaling up of renewable energy, impacts on livelihood, etc. Assist in organizing workshops/meetings, preparing background documents and other relevant documents for wider dissemination of renewable energy.
Ph.D in Science (including Agriculture) or M.E / M.Tech in Mechanical, Chemical or Environment engineering /Agriculture/Renewable energy, Post graduates with field level experience of 2-4 years in handling societal projects.
Last date of application: 15th December 2017.
An interested candidate should send his/her curriculam vital including contact information of two references and application form (download from website at, with subject line as "Application for Post Senior Scientist/Engineer".
Application Form
Post : Name of the post: Junior Research Fellow (Bio-conversion Technology Division)
Minimum qualifications and experience: :
Post-graduate degree in Engineering (Chemical/Renewable Energy/Biotechnology) with 1-2 years experience after M.Tech or Masters degree in Biological Science (Biotechnology/Microbiology/Biochemistry) with 2-3 years experience.
We seek a young researcher with a basic knowledge in analytical techniques, ability to manage research activities of waste to energy projects, excellent team work capacity, communication skills and flexible with personal initiative. Proficiency in Microsoft Excel, Word and Power Point.
Application deadline: 15th December, 2017
An interested candidate should send his/her curriculam vital including contact information of two references and application form (download from website at, with subject line as "Application for Junior Research Fellow".
Application Form
Educational Qualification: Please read Official Notification for Educational Qualification details.
Selection Process: Candidates will be selected based on an interview.
How to Apply: Eligible candidates may send their application & necessary documents to given address in the advertisement.
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