MEGA SC/TO, CRA, Junior Engineer and Maintainer Online Exam Call Letters 2017
Metro-Link Express for Gandhinagar and Ahmedabad (MEGA) Company Ltd has published Call Letters for the post of Station Controller / Train Operator (SC/TO), Customer Relations Assistant (CRA), Junior Engineer and Maintainer, Check below for more details.
Important Notification for Candidates appearing for Online Exam: Click here
Candidate - Call letter download: Click here
Candidate - Test Demo link: Click here
Exam Dates : 1st, 2nd & 3rd July, 2017
Candidates appearing for online examination for the posts of Station Controller / Train Operator (SC/TO), Customer Relations Assistant (CRA), Junior Engineer and Maintainer on 1st, 2nd & 3rd July, 2017 are requested to note the following instructions carefully.
The candidates are required to bring the photo affixed call letter along with a valid photo identity proof in original and photocopy of the photo identity proof. Please note that your name as appearing on the call letter (provided by you during the process of registration) should exactly match the name as appearing on the photo identity proof. For example call letter states the name of the candidate as Ashoke Bose and the candidate produces an ID card which reads as Ashoke Kumar Bose or A K Bose. Such type of candidates will not be allowed to appear for exam under any circumstance. Female candidates who have changed first/last/middle name post marriage must take special note of this. If there is any mismatch between the name indicated in the Call Letter and Photo Identity Proof you will not be allowed to appear for the exam.
The following mentioned Photo ID proof will be considered as valid for the said examination:
1. PAN Card
2. Passport
3. Driving Licence
4. Voter's Card
5. Bank Passbook with photograph
6. Photo Identity proof issued by a Gazetted Officer on official letterhead
7. Photo Identity proof issued by a People's Representative on official letterhead
8. Valid recent Identity Card issued by a recognized College/University
9. Aadhar Card/E-Aadhar Card with a photograph
10. Employee ID
11. Bar Council Identity Card with photograph
Please note-Ration Card will NOT be accepted as valid ID proof for this project.
You must report at the examination venue 30 minutes before the time as printed on this call-letter. Candidates arriving late will not be permitted to appear for the on-line examination.
Accordingly, candidates are advised to download the call letters upon receipt of SMS & Email on registered mobile number and Email ID.
- Station Controller / Train Operator (SC/TO)
- Customer Relations Assistant (CRA)
- Junior Engineer
- Maintainer
Important Notification for Candidates appearing for Online Exam: Click here
Candidate - Call letter download: Click here
Candidate - Test Demo link: Click here
Sr. No. | Description | Details |
1 | Station Controller/Train Operator & Jr. Engineer | Information Handout posts for SC,TO & JE: Click here |
2 | Customer Relations Assistant | Information Handout post for CRA: Click here |
3 | Maintainer | Information Handout post for Maintainers: Click here |
Exam Dates : 1st, 2nd & 3rd July, 2017
Candidates appearing for online examination for the posts of Station Controller / Train Operator (SC/TO), Customer Relations Assistant (CRA), Junior Engineer and Maintainer on 1st, 2nd & 3rd July, 2017 are requested to note the following instructions carefully.
The candidates are required to bring the photo affixed call letter along with a valid photo identity proof in original and photocopy of the photo identity proof. Please note that your name as appearing on the call letter (provided by you during the process of registration) should exactly match the name as appearing on the photo identity proof. For example call letter states the name of the candidate as Ashoke Bose and the candidate produces an ID card which reads as Ashoke Kumar Bose or A K Bose. Such type of candidates will not be allowed to appear for exam under any circumstance. Female candidates who have changed first/last/middle name post marriage must take special note of this. If there is any mismatch between the name indicated in the Call Letter and Photo Identity Proof you will not be allowed to appear for the exam.
The following mentioned Photo ID proof will be considered as valid for the said examination:
1. PAN Card
2. Passport
3. Driving Licence
4. Voter's Card
5. Bank Passbook with photograph
6. Photo Identity proof issued by a Gazetted Officer on official letterhead
7. Photo Identity proof issued by a People's Representative on official letterhead
8. Valid recent Identity Card issued by a recognized College/University
9. Aadhar Card/E-Aadhar Card with a photograph
10. Employee ID
11. Bar Council Identity Card with photograph
Please note-Ration Card will NOT be accepted as valid ID proof for this project.
You must report at the examination venue 30 minutes before the time as printed on this call-letter. Candidates arriving late will not be permitted to appear for the on-line examination.
Accordingly, candidates are advised to download the call letters upon receipt of SMS & Email on registered mobile number and Email ID.
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