Thursday, August 31, 2017

Indian Air Force (IAF) Recruitment Rally at Rajkot & Vadodara 2017

Indian Air Force (IAF) Recruitment Rally at Rajkot & Vadodara 2017

Indian Air Force (IAF) has published Advertisement for Recruitment Rally at Rajkot & Vadodara 2017. Other details like age limit, educational qualification, selection process, application fee and how to apply are given below.

Indian Air Force offers opportunities for UNMARRIED MALE INDIAN CITIZENS from designated districts of the state of Gujarat, Union Territory Of Daman & Diu and Dadra & Nagar Haveli to join as Airmen. The Recruitment Test for Group „Y‟ (Non-Technical) [for Automobile Technician, Ground Training Instructor and Indian Air Force (Police) only] Trades will be held at Vir Savarkar Indoor Sports Stadium, Race Course Road, Rajkot and SAMA Indoor Stadium, New Sama, Vadodara as per the Selection Programme.

Posts: Airman in Group "Y‟ (Non-Technical) [for Automobile Technician, Ground Training Instructor and Indian Air Force (Police) only

Educational Qualification: Candidate should have passed Intermediate / 10+2 / Equivalent Examination in any stream/subjects approved by Central/ State Education Boards with minimum 50% marks in aggregate and 50% marks in English.

Note - 1: Boards recognized/affiliated by Council of Boards for School Education (COBSE) will only be permitted.
Note - 2: Exact aggregate % of marks before decimal as written in the marks sheet of 10+2/Intermediate/Equivalent OR calculated as per the rules of
concerned Education Board will only be considered (For example 49.99% should be taken as 49% and not be rounded off to 50%).

Age Limit: Candidates born between 13 January 1998 and 27 June 2001 (both days inclusive) are eligible to appear in the Recruitment Rally.

Domicile Requirement. To be eligible to appear in the rally at Vir Savarkar Indoor Sports Stadium, Race Course Road, Rajkot or SAMA Indoor Stadium, New Sama, Vadodara, Gujarat the candidates are required to satisfy the following conditions:
  • The School / College / Institute from where candidates have passed the qualifying examination should be within the geographical/administrative limits of designated districts (as specified in para 2 above) of state of Gujarat or UT of Daman & Diu or Dadra & Nagar Haveli. If the name of district is not mentioned with the name of Institution in the certificate/marks sheet of qualifying examination, the candidates are to produce "Domicile Certificate‟ issued by SDM/DM/Executive Magistrate or any official authorized by the State Government of Gujarat or Union Territories of Daman & Diu and Dadra & Nagar Haveli.
  • Permanent Domicile of designated districts (as specified in para 2 above) of state of Gujarat or UT of Daman & Diu or Dadra & Nagar Haveli who have passed the qualifying examination from anywhere in India is to produce the Domicile Certificate prior to the commencement of examination from appropriate authority as given in sub-paragraph 5(a) above.
  • Sons of serving Air Force personnel whose father/mother is presently serving in any Air Force Unit located in designated districts (as specified in para 2 above) of state of Gujarat or UT of Daman & Diu or Dadra & Nagar Haveli, irrespective of their domicile status, are permitted to appear in the rally subject to production of Son of Serving Air Force Personnel (SOAFP) Certificate (format available on AFNET CASB website).
  • Sons of Retired/Discharged/Deceased Air Force personnel residing in designated districts (as specified in para 2 above) of state of Gujarat or UT of Daman & Diu or Dadra & Nagar Haveli, are permitted to appear in the rally subject to production of proof of minimum stay of one year along with original and a photocopy of Discharge Book/Service Certificate issued from AFRO/DAV.
Medical Standards.
(a) General Medical Standards are as follows: -
(i) Chest: Minimum range of expansion: 5 cm
(ii) Weight: Proportionate to height and age.
(iii) Corneal Surgery (PRK/LASIK) not acceptable.
(iv) Hearing: Candidate should have normal hearing i.e. able to hear forced whisper from a
distance of 6 meters with each ear separately.
(v) Dental: Should have healthy gums, good set of teeth and minimum 14 dental points.
(vi) Health: Candidate should be of normal anatomy without loss of any appendages. He should be free from all communicable diseases and skin ailments. Candidate
must be physically and mentally FIT to perform duty in any part of the world, in any climate and terrain.

(b) Height, Leg Length, Visual Standards and Colour Vision are as follows:
Visual Acuity
Maximulimitof Refractive Error
Colour vision
for NE & Hill States)
Minimuleg length
required is 9cm
able to 6/6 each eye
Hypermetropia: +2.0D Myopia: -1D
including + 0.50 Astigmatism
(162.cfor NE & HillStates)
Not applicable
able to 6/6 each eye
Hypermetropia: +2.0D Myopia: -1D
including + 0.50 Astigmatism
NE & Hill States)
Not applicable
acuity of 6/6
Not applicable

Pay & Allowances: During training, a stipend of Rs. 14,600/- per month will be paid. On completion of training, the starting gross emoluments at the minimum of scale of pay including Military Service Pay (MSP) will be Rs. 26,900/- per month plus Dearness Allowance (as applicable) which, in
subsequent years may rise as per the career progression of the individual.

Selection Process: Candidates will be selected based on Verification of Eligibility, Written Test., Adaptability Test-1, Physical Fitness Test (PFT), Adaptability Test-2 & Medical Examination.

How to Apply: Examination/Rally venue will be open from 0600h-1000h and the examinations will be conducted as per the details are given below. Candidates (from designated districts of state of Gujarat and UT of Daman & Diu and Dadra & Nagar Haveli only as per schedule given below) fulfilling the domicile requirements and eligibility conditions and reporting up to 10 AM on 11 September 2017 and 19 September 2017 at the Rally Venue will only be permitted to appear in the Recruitment Test. Note: The Recruitment Test is not for selection as Commissioned Officers/ Pilots/Navigators.

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Information: Click Here

For More Details: Click Here

Recruitment Rally Dates:
  • Recruitment Rally for Auto Tech, GTI, IAF(P) trades will be conducted at Rajkot from 11-09-2017 to 13-09-2017.
  • Recruitment Rally for Auto Tech, GTI, IAF(P) trades will be conducted at Vadodara (Gujarat) from 19-09-2017 to 21-09-2017.

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Special thanks to Jignesh.Thakkar, MCC Counselor at District  Employment exchange Palanpur Banaskantha for this information. 

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